外国人工作居留许可延期 一、 Necessary materials: 1、 Copy of Registration certificate foreign enterprises permanent office in china/单位营业执照(副本)复印件或登记证、注册证复印件; 2、 Copy of local tax registration certificate(duplicate) and organization code /地税登记证副本及代码证副本复印件; 3、 Passport and 2 Color Photos(need to get the receipt from photo studio) /外国人护照原件和大一寸彩色免冠相片2张(需提供照相馆的相片回执); 4、 Relation identification that work(Employ the contract or appoint the book、It is proved that send)、GZ office stamp/劳动关系证明(聘用合同或任命书、派遣证明、广州代表处公章等); 5、 External temporary lodging registration forms of personnel/(provide by the public security department) /《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由公安部门出具); 6、 Working card and Employment permit / 代表工作证和外国人就业证; 二、 TIME: About 10 workdays/10个工作日 三、 FEE:¥4,000 首席/一般代表家属居留证/Residence permit for family member of representative 四、 所需资料/ Documents required: 1、 代表护照及申请人护照/ representative and family person Passport; 2、 单位营业执照(副本)影本或登记证、注册证影本/Copy of Registration certificate foreign enterprises permanent office in china; 3、 地税登记证副本及代码证副本影本/Copy of local tax registration certificate(duplicate) and organization code; 4、 代表工作证和就业证原件/working permit and employment permit; 5、 直系亲属(如父母或儿女)出具亲属证明文件(由当地领事馆公证)/Documentary evidence on the family members.(By local consulate notarization); 6、 夫妻出具结婚证明(由当地领事馆公证)/ Marriage certificate(By local consulate notarization); 7、 体格检查报告/ Physical examination report; 8、 External temporary lodging registration forms of personnel/(provide by the public security department) Copy(Suitable when only to handling foreigners card of obtaining employment)/《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由公安部门出具)影本(只对办理外国人就业证时适用); 9、 公章和大一寸彩色免冠相片照片2张/ company seal and 2 color photos, 1 inch, hatless; 五、 时间/Time:约15工作日/About 15 working days 费用/Fee:¥4,500。 注: 体格检查报告需到指定医院(广东国际旅行卫生保健中心 地址:天河北龙口西路287号)出具/The physical examination report needs shall be issued by the designated hospital (Guangdong Travel Service International Health Center, Address: No.287 Longkou West Road, Tianhe North) External temporary lodging registration forms of personnel, If live in district, this form is gone to the local police station of the district to handle; If live in hotel, form this can platform provide forward./ 《境外人员临时住宿登记表》若在社区居住的此表到社区所在派出所办理;若在酒店居住,此表可向前台出具。 备注: 1、办理居留证要先由外经贸出具邀请函,如需协助办理邀请函,我司收费RMB2000/人。需提供以下资料: ① 结婚证影本并译成中文; ② 孩子出生证影本并译成中文; ③ 所有申请人的护照影本。 2、体格检查报告需到指定医院(广东国际旅行卫生保健中心 地址:天河区龙口西路207号)出具/ The physical examination report needs to get to the designated hospital(HEALTH CARE CENTER OF GUANGDONG INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Address:No. 207 of Longkou Xi road, Tian He)。
详细注册资料说明请来电咨询.有专门的注册顾问为你解答 广州市伟骆企业管理顾问有限公司 地址:广州市广州大道南911号中智商务大厦413室 (海珠地税局旁边) 电话:020-34072525 13719117949 传真:020-34072527 E-mail:gz_jbl@126.com http://www.gz-jbl.com http://www.jbl168.com